Wegmans Negotations For 2020 CBA

We will be getting prepared for negotiations for the next Wegmans CBA, the current CBA expires 3/31/2020. We will post on the Local 116 union board when we get ready for proposal meetings, we need input from you the members. Please come and join us. We will start getting ready late fall of 2019. This…

Local Union Dues Increase

At the BCTGM International Union’s 40th Constitutional Convention held in 2018 the delegates to the Convention passed resolution Number 19. Commencing 1/1/19 monthly dues will increase $1.00. Please notify your membership that dues will increase $1.00 dues increase will take effective January 1, 2019

Save Nabisco Jobs!

Our Brothers and Sisters at a plant in Chicago are in danger. Executives at Mondelēz International, Nabisco’s parent company, are shipping 600 American union jobs to Mexico. This announcement comes on the heels of giving the company’s CEO a $6 million dollar raise. Sign the petition at this link and get on board!

BCTGM Local 116

BCTGM Local 116 is an organization built by the members for the members. An employee cannot successfully bargain with an employer alone.  When employees join together and bargain collectively they not only gain respect but are assured of maximum job security, better working conditions, increased earnings and other benefits. BCTGM Local 116 represents over 650…